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1. Introduction

This privacy policy aims to protect both,, and Alexander Lindstrem, as well as the visitors of these websites. The policy applies to all personal information collected through the websites, subject to any third-party service providers, such as, which is the provider of these websites' services and platform.


2. Types of Information Collected

We collect typical categories of personal information, including names, email addresses, phone numbers, and locations. Additionally, non-personal information such as cookies and usage data may be collected. Further information may be requested on specified casting or contact forms, and submission to these forms implies agreement to all terms and conditions.


3. Use of Collected Information

The collected information is stored with the online provider for all users of these websites. We may use this data to respond to inquiries, provide services, and send promotional materials, all within the lawful basis for processing personal data, including consent and legitimate interest.


4. Data Sharing

We do not intend to share your data with third parties, except when necessary for typical operations, such as payment processing or marketing campaigns. Any data shared is done within the integrated platform or their service partners. Please refer to's privacy policy for more information on how they handle data, as it applies to us as well.


5. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Cookies, pixels, and similar technologies are used on these websites. Users have the ability to manage cookies and select preferences through the provided warning message.


6. Data Retention

All data is retained according to legal obligations and laws, as outlined in's terms and conditions, or as per your acceptance and voluntary submission through casting forms or email contacts.


7. User Rights

Visitors have the rights to access, rectify, and delete their personal information. Please contact us in writing via email or postal address to exercise these rights, with the latter option being legally binding.


8. Security Measures

We implement's security measures as stated in their policies, in addition to our own measures. These include the use of antivirus software, fingerprint access to our computer, traceable hardware, traceable entry to our office, and security cameras to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure.


9. External Links

While we limit external links, please note that our privacy policy only applies to our own content and websites. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third-party websites you may encounter.


10. Updates to the Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be updated periodically, and the last update date will be provided accordingly. We recommend checking back periodically for any updates. Thank you.

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